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5 Reasons Why Your Car Will Not Start.

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Will your car not start? Read the extract below to learn a few reasons why your car won't start. 

1. Dead Battery

There are many reasons why your vehicle car could have a dead battery. For instance, it could be the you left the lights on. Alternatively, the battery could be too old and needs to be replaced. If you own a manual car, you could push-start it by engaging second or reverse gear and releasing the clutch once the vehicle gains some momentum. Both manual and automatic cars can be jump-started by connecting the vehicle's battery to a functional battery using jumper cables. Check the battery terminals before push-starting or jump-starting your car. Tighten any loose terminals and check if the vehicle will turn on. 

2. Fuel Line Problems

When was the last time you refuelled the vehicle? Check the fuel gauge to ensure the vehicle has adequate fuel. The fuel filter is a device that removes impurities from the fuel. Over time, the filter becomes clogged and needs to be changed. If you do not replace the filter at the recommended mileage, your vehicle could fail to start since it cannot access fuel.  

The primary role of the fuel pump is to push fuel into the engine. A dysfunctional fuel pump may be unable to push adequate fuel into the engine, thus causing a hard start. The fuel injectors spray fuel into the combustion chamber. Clogged fuel injectors might also be the reason why your vehicle cannot start. 

3. Faulty Immobiliser

The immobiliser is designed to prevent the engine from starting unless a person has the right code or transponder key. Typically, the immobiliser disables the fuel, starter and ignition systems. As such, your vehicle will not start if the immobiliser is faulty. 

4. Ignition Problems

The ignition system sends a small charge to each spark plug that ignites the air-fuel mixture in the combustion chamber. If the ignition system is unable to generate the right voltage, the vehicle will not start. On the other hand, the starter activates the engine, allowing it to suck in air that combines with fuel in the combustion chamber. As such, a faulty starter could be the reason why your vehicle does not start.

The vehicle could also fail to start if you left the gear in drive (D) or reverse (R) position. Automatic cars are designed to ignite when the gear lever is in parking (P) position.

With the above guide, you should have an easy time examining why your vehicle does not start. Consult your mechanic for help with car repairs
