How to Maintain Your Motorhome

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3 ways to ensure your vehicle is roadworthy

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It doesn’t matter if you’re on a long, cross country trip, or just heading down the road to run your Saturday morning errands, no one wants to be in a position where they find out too late that their vehicle isn’t roadworthy and they face a significant bill for mechanical repairs. Part of good car maintenance is regularly testing, repairing and looking after your car to avoid these nasty surprises and make sure your car is in good condition. Read More»

Why You Need to Properly Maintain Your Car's Battery If You Want to Get the Best Value for Your Money

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If you are racking your brain and trying to remember when you last bought a new battery, you may have a gut feeling that it was far too recently. You’re now in the market to buy a new one, but wonder why the last one should have failed quite so soon. If you want to elongate the life of your new purchase, do you need to change any of your habits or look after it in a certain way? Read More»

What to Look for If Your Car "Pulls" to One Side

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When all is well with your car, you should be able to drive it under all circumstances while only exerting a tiny bit of pressure to the steering wheel. You shouldn’t have to hang on until your knuckles are white in order to steer the vehicle in the correct direction. So, if this is exactly what you have to do under certain conditions but not others, what on earth is going wrong and how can you fix this? Read More»

How to Diagnose Symptoms of Impending Clutch Failure

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Do you sometimes get that “disconnected” feeling when you’re driving your automobile? You may hear your engine ticking over properly and responding to your instructions when you put your foot on the throttle pedal. However, for some reason this doesn’t appear to be translating into forward motion properly. Could your clutch be on the way out? Is It Your Fault? The vehicle clutch is a very hard wearing component, which is meant to last for a reasonable amount of time. Read More»

5 Signs of Power Steering Leaks That Every Driver Should Know

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Power steering fluid is essential, and if your fluid is leaking, your car won’t work as it should. As a driver, it’s important to understand the signs that you have a leak. Here’s what to look for. 1. Difficulty Turning In many cases, the first sign that you have a leak may be issues with turning. Your car may refuse to respond to the motions of the wheel, and you may have to really crank the wheel to get the vehicle to do anything. Read More»

Tips for Moving Home Without Any Help

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Moving home, as people often mention, is one of the most stressful things in life. Although the end result is being settled in your new home, the process of getting from A to B is far from straightforward, taking a lot of the fun and excitement out of it all. Many people choose to hire a removal team to alleviate some of the stress and give them less to worry about, but opting instead to hire a truck and do everything yourself can save some serious cash. Read More»

Never Overlook These Needed Caravan Repairs

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When you own a caravan, you may use it for many years before it ever needs any type of repairs; however, it’s still good to give it a thorough inspection every year or as often as needed, so you can spot minor damage before it becomes a major repair job. Note a few common defects and signs of damage that are often overlooked by caravan owners, and why it’s so important to have these addressed as soon as possible. Read More»

Why You Should Always Choose a Specialized Mechanic for Needed Car Repairs

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When your car needs repairs, you may be tempted to take it to the cheapest mechanic you can find; while it certainly is your option as to what shop or mechanic you choose for your car, you might consider finding a specialized mechanic, or one who works on your car make in particular. Note a few reasons why this can be a good choice, even if it means paying a bit more for their repairs. Read More»

Tips to Troubleshooting Automatic Transmission Repairs

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Although not typically at the forefront of motorists’ minds, the transmission system is one of the most complex and crucial components of your vehicle. With the assortment of moving parts that it is made up of, wear and tear are inevitable at one point or another. If you would like to stay ahead of transmission repairs, you should know how to spot the symptoms that something is off kilter, and this will enable you to have your vehicle serviced in no time. Read More»

What Might Be Wrong With Your Car's Steering

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It’s never good to overlook problems you may be having with your car’s steering, as a seemingly minor issue can signal a very serious repair that needs to be addressed, and the steering can even give out while you’re on the road. Obviously this can be very dangerous, and it can also result in much larger repair bills than if you had addressed the problem on the outset. Note a few troubleshooting tips as to what might be wrong with your car’s steering when it does act up, so you know what the car might need by way of repairs. Read More»